JSON and LotusScript: Business Case

    Robert Baehr  November 29 2024 02:57:04 AM

    I am not sure if anyone has had a true business need to use the LotusScript JSON classes, so I thought I'd share one that was a challenge (and fun) to be involved with.

    Business Case:

    A customer (provider) has a requirement to transfer more than 1000 Domino documents to a global organization (consumer).   The requirement of the consumer was that all data be provided in JSON format, and, to their exact specifications.   An overview of the requirements is shown below:

    Image:JSON and LotusScript: Business Case

    As an added bonus, the Domino documents are inter-related, so some fancy footwork was needed to get the data into the consumer-required JSON format.

    I decided to design a solution using Domino (duh!), the LotusScript JSON classes, and the LotusScript REST API as the foundation of the solution.    While still in the data verification phase, the solution is functional and fast!

    I'll be posting a series of articles here which will outline my journey through the process, and explain the in-and-out of the JSON classes.   Given the confidentiality of the data in question, I'll be using a sample database to explain the process.    I'll also be starting slow, providing an overview of JSON to form a "common ground".

    Of, the fun lies ahead!

    More to come - stay tuned!


    Robert Baehr

    The Unofficial Poster Child for Notes and Domino

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