Made It To San Francisco and IBM Connect 2017

    Robert Baehr  February 19 2017 08:48:46 PM

    After a long day of travel, we made it to San Francisco for IBM Connect 2017.    After dumping our stuff in our room, my wife and I went to The Chieftain Irish Pub ( for dinner.    If you're at Connect, and want good food and spirits, this place comes highly recommended......

    After dinner, we decided to "walk it off", and found ourselves on the wrong (no... REALLY WRONG) side of town.    We survived without incident, but it was a definite eye-opener.

    Finally, I walked to a convenience store for some bottled water - and beer!   I saw a security guard outside of a nearby building and started talking with him.    Turns out the building he was guarding was a medicinal marijuana shop, and you needed either a prescription from a doctor, or a distributor license to get in (not that I was trying to enter).    The Guard, a really nice guy, has only been in the United States for two years.  He could not believe that I never saw such a place.  He explained the local customs to me, even though I was kind of surprised (note:  I am from Pennsylvania where we have no such stores, and am a stranger in a strange land).

    So, I am going to call it an early night - got up at 2am eastern to make the pilgrimage to IBM Connect 2017, and I am just plain whupped!

    See you at the conference, or in the cloud.....

    Bob Baehr

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